RPG Info

The server is currently using the Heroes plugin. Here you can find information about the available classes, commands, and other associated information. Everything listed here only pertains to RPG world.

There are currently no RPG worlds on my server. This page is simply here for reference.

Mouse over skill names to see a short summary of what they do. 

Warrior (Tank/Melee Damage):
Armor: Diamond
Weapons: Diamond
Bow: No
Level 1: Charge, Shield
Level 5: Taunt
Level 10: Bleed
Level 15: Might
Level 20: Slow
Level 25: SuperJump
Level 30: Invuln

Thief (Melee Damage):
Armor: Leather
Weapons: Diamond
Bow: No
Level 1: Escape artist, AssassinsBlade
Level 5: Bleed
Level 10: Sneak
Level 15: One
Level 20: Backstab
Level 25: Pickpocket
Level 30: Smoke

Mage (Magic Damage):
Armor: Leather
Weapons: Stone
Bow: No
Level 1: Enchant, Fireball
Level 5: Piggify
level 10: Blink
level 15: Slow
Level 20: Wisdom
Level 25: Icebolt
Level 30: Mark, Recall

 Arcane Knight (Melee-Magic Damage):
Armor: Iron
Weapons: Iron
Bow: No
Level 1: Slow, Harmtouch
Level 5: Curse
Level 10: Enchant
Level 15: Bolt
Level 20: Safefall
Level 25: Confuse
Level 30: Jump

 Engineer (Support/Damage):
Armor: Iron
Weapons: Iron
Bow: Yes
Level 1: Mining, HarmTouch
Level 5: Alchemy
Level 10: Bandage
level 15: Web
Level 20: SuperHeat
Level 25: Excavate
Level 30: Repair

Archer (Ranged Damage):
Armor: Leather
Weapons: Stone
Bow: Yes
Level 1: PoisonArrow, Web
Level 5: One
Level 10: IceArrow
Level 15: Bandage
Level 20: EscapeArtist
Level 25: Smoke
Level 30: FireArrow

Druid (Support/Ranged-Magic Damage):
Armor: Leather
Weapons: Iron
Bow: Yes
level 1: Root, Herbalism
level 5: Escape Artist
Level 10: Wolf
level 15: Gills
Level 20: Antidote
Level 25: Groupheal
Level 30: Bolt

Paladin (Support/Melee Damage/Tank):
Armor: Diamond
Weapons: Diamond
Bow: No
Level 1: LayHands, Smite
Level 5: Taunt
Level 10: Shield
Level 15: Invuln
Level 20: Might
Level 25: Harmtouch
Level 30: Charge

Cleric (Support):
Armor: Iron
Weapons: Iron
Bow: Yes
Level 1: Pray, Groupheal
Level 5: Wisdom
Level 10: Alchemy
Level 15: Antidote
Level 20: Dispell
Level 25: Smite
Level 30: Bandage

Commands and Limitations:
For the most part you can just type /hero in-game and learn whatever you need to know. But for reference, here are some general commands:

/hero - /heroes
/hero help
/hero armor
/hero choose <path>
/hero prof <path>
/hero paths
/hero reset
/hero armor
/hero tools
/hero save
/hero scroll
/hero skills - /skills
/hero specs
/hero leaderboard
/hero who <player>
/hero verbose
/hero suppress <skillname>
/level - /hlevel - /lvl
/health - /hp
/cooldowns - /cd

Skills and skill binding:
You can call upon your skills in two ways: Via slash commands or by binding the skill to an item. If you bind a skill to an item, you just hold the item and right-click to use the skill.

/skills - /skilllist
/skill <skill> <args>
/bind <skill>

/party invite <player>
/party accept <player>
/party leave
/p <message>
/mode +[option]
/mode -[option]
/party ui
/party who

While you can switch your class, in order to prevent people from simply switching classes on a whim, and therefore essentailly being all classes, there is a high price for switching your class. This is subject to change and may be tweaked in the future. Currently the price of switching your class is as follows:

  • The first class change is free
  • Switching to a new class is $1000
  • Switching to a class which you have been before and earned XP as is $500
  • Switching to a class that you have already mastered is free

It's also worth noting that any experience you earn in any class is saved and remains separate from experience earned in other classes.