This server uses Bukkit to apply plugins for additional functionality. Vital information, plugins, and enforced rules are below:
Server address:
Maximum Capacity: 32 players
White Listing: Yes
Current Admins:
- Schorl (overlord, aka Amy)
- Docimop (overlord's consort)
- Azdragonslayer (moderator, aka Chris)
- Lusont (moderator, aka Phil)
- Essentials (Core, Chat)
- PermissionsBukkit
- Lockette
- Log
- WorldEdit
- WorldGuard
- AutoGamemode
- CHDistantFarm
- Don't build near anyone's construct(s) without their permission. *
- Do not touch or alter anyone's construct(s) or belongings without their permission. *
- Close doors after you open them. I am so super serious.
- Don't do anything to cause excess lag on the server.
- Don't compromise the spawn area in any way.
- Schorl's word is law.
* These are not fully enforced in the Nether. That place is difficult to control.